Sunday, 21 February 2016

What blogging has taught me

Hey guys xo
So today's post is a little different. It's about what I've learnt since I starting blogging. And I've learnt a lot.

I have changed a lot since I've started blogging. Giving my opinion to others online has given me the confidence to do in person. I use to be such a shy person. I've become far more confident in real life because of blogging. I was very hesitant about starting a blog but I thought why not go for it.

The biggest thing I've learnt is that people don't care about what you look like or how many followers you have. They care about what you have too say. I mean I've had girls message me saying that I'm a inspiration to them and one girl back when I started compared me to zoella. I learnt you can't make everyone happy. But if you just one person happy that's all that matters.

Numbers aren't that big of a deal if you enjoy doing what your doing. I mean why should it matter. I would rather have good content and a small following than very few uploads a a a huge following.

I've learnt that the friends you can make our some of the best friends you can have. I never really had a proper friendship with some of my friends online before ,but the friends I made through blogging are some of the best people I know. Just because we're divided by sea or in some cases across the country doesn't mean they don't mean as much as your friends offline.

That sometimes the ideas that come to us at random times turn out to be better than the ones we spend hours planning out making perfect. I do plan my blogposts but I prefer to let it flow and come naturally.

I'm a big perfectionist and I wouldn't really mind if they're was a spelling and grammar mistake. But if it wasn't laid out how I wanted that would annoy me. But what I realised was that I would never look at a blog and judge the layout so why would someone do the same to me.

Just because I'm a teen blogger doesn't mean I won't get taken as seriously as a older blogger. I thought that people wouldn't respect my opinion. But just because I'm only fifteen doesn't mean that people wouldn't read it.

I have learnt so much more and I know it's a bit of a ramble but honesty its the type of post in my opinion that you can get to your point.

Love you all xo

1 comment :

  1. Loved this post and it made me think about what blogging has taught me! Like you it has also made me more confident so that's good! xx
