Saturday, 27 August 2016

How to stay organised // back to school collab with Lexi

Hey guys xo
How are you. Today is part two of my back to school series with one of blogging besties Lexi.
Today is staying organised. Which for me is very hard so I'm sharing my tips on how I do it. So I hope I hope you enjoy it.

In my school they give us a print out of our timetable, but I think I can speak for a lot of people but I always lose it within a week so I always will rewrite it out in my journal and I write one out to keep at home. I always do when I first get it in case I do lose it. But I got my timetable Wednesday I haven't lost it yet so fingers crossed I don't.

 This is my timetable from last year if your wondering. And please don't judge the hand writing I hadn't written in around two months.

My next piece of advice is too write out a to do list. I know we all have a journal but it helps just having a separate list especially for projects and essays due. I find it helps so much as although I always write every thing down in my journal this is so much easier.

I just write everything from essays to studying. The stuff on this list is stuff I came io with for the sake of this blog post as I don't write them in summer. I only keep on in my phone for my blog.

Keeping a good routine from day one is key. Get into a habit of not leaving homework till last minute I'm the worst for this, I wish I wasn't though. It's such s good thing to do homework on the day you get it and if you have a test ins week do a bit of studying every night instead of cramming. If an essay is due research one night and then plan the next and then write it the next. Short term thru seem like stupid ideas but in the long run it  really does pay off.

Always write a  list of reminders. Just things like after school activities  or if something changes. It's use their to remind you incase you do forget.

I could go on for days telling you tips but I have to stop somewhere. I hope you enjoy this little tips, and I know they won't be for everyone. But if I can help even a few people that its al that matters.

Hope you enjoy it and please make sure you go and check out Lexis biology as she is amazing and her she deserves the readers as I love her blog.
Check it out:Lexis amazing blog
Love you all 

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Back to school with Lauren and Lexi // Hair and makeup

Hey guys xo
So We all know in the coming weeks it's back to school. And for bloggers that means back to school posts. So me and one of blogging bestie Lexi from Lexii the newt decided we should a back to school series similar to our summer sleepover we did last year. There is going to be three posts over the space of this week so I hope you enjoy.
Lexis blog: Lexii the newt

I know with hair and makeup we all make am effort for the first month and then it's just hair it's just a quick brush of the hair or a bit of mascara but I have some really quick hairstyles and a makeup look for you.

So one of the cutest hair styles which once you get the hang of it takes less than five minutes. Dutch plaits. It's basically like French plaits but instead of bringing the hair over you bring it over. Its such a good hairstyle for school because it keeps your hair out of your face but it's not fully up, if you get what I mean.

Another one of my favourite hair styles is a half up Half down. I love this as you can still wear your hair down but by tying that tiny bit up it makes all the difference, keeping it out of your face but still doing something with it. Another option would be putting the pony tail part into a bun. This is so cute and adds even more to a simple and cute half up half down.

You can add so much to pony tails and I know a lot of schools make the students have their hair completely up, so why not add a plait into your pony tail. You can do it many different ways but personally I love when you do it at the back. As you can see from the picture I wear my pony tail
round to the side so when people look from the back they will be able to see the plait going up into it.

Other hairstyles I love are messy buns. I usually do this after I've had wavy hair as the bun is really big and has lots of volume. I would also sometimes wear a normal fish tail plait to back as it gets in the way with my uniform. It can sometimes take a while but it's worth it.

For my makeup I like to keep it very minimal as I don't have enough time to touch up during the day.
I don't usually bother with a primer as I spend most of my day sitting around it basically stays in place.
For the first step I either use BB cream or foundation. I usually go for foundation as it covers more but on days I feel confident I go for the BB cream. I usually use No7 or rimmel.

I then go in with concealer. I love the collection lasting perfection or Rimmel wake me up. Both of
these are amazing for covering and brightening . And boy do I need the concealer. I really don't like the early mornings.

I then do my eyebrows. I use sleek as its one of the only brands that have a shade that matches my eyebrows as they're a cool brown shade unlike my hair which is very warm toned.

I don't do any eye makeup just a bit of mascara. I don't bother Curling my eyelashes as they already naturally curl upward,which is very good for me as it makes my eyes look larger as there very small. I go for whatever mascara I feel like on the day but this time I decided to go for roller lash by
benefit. This is one of my all time favourite mascara. It really makes my lashes look fuller and longer.

I then go in with a bit of bronzer to warm up my face as I'm always very pale and this does really help add a bit of colour to my face especially in the winter months.

That's basically my school makeup rountine, I might do a bit more if I'm getting a picture taken for school or its a special day.

That's it for today. See you soon with my next post in the series.
Love you all Lauren xo

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Bronzed summer makeup look

Hey guys xo
Today is a collaboration with an amazing blogger thareni nicole blog. She's is such an amazing blogger so I would defiantly go and check it out as she definitely deserves it.
We're both doing summer makeup looks so I'll leave her link at the end. Mien is a bronzed look as I'm really loving the gold shimmery eye, bronzer and a nice lippy.

So here it is.
I started off with my seventeen primer. It really helps with keeping makeup on. I then moved on to my face.

I use my all time favourite foundation. The No7 instant radiance. I really love this as it gives a lovely glowy look. I then used my lifesaving concealer the collection lasting perfection. This really brightens up under my eyes and covers up my imperfections.

I used my Kate Moss Sculpting palette. I love this as unlike many palette so they cater for more than one skin tome. I use a good bit of contour as it is a bronzed look. I also use a bit of blush and then my fave highlighter. I also did a bit of contouring with my hoola bronzer.

For my eyes I did one of my favourite looks. I put the maybelline colour 24 colour tattoo all over my eyelids. This is such a pigmented and it gives off an amazing shimmer. Which I love. I then used my maybelline the nudes palette. I used one of the lighter shades of brown and put it in my crease. Then I used one of the darker shades of brown in my outer corner. This is really nice and easy eye look and it works great on all types. I then used my benefit roller lash mascara and its amazing and really
separates and gives my lashes a longer and fuller effect. For brows I used sleek and used a  dark brown

Then for lips I used my benefit hoola lip gloss. It's such a nice colour and it doesn't feel to sticky like
many lip glosses out there
That's what I did to create this summer look. Here is the completed look below.

Read her collab here

Hope you enjoyed. Love you all 
Lauren xo

Friday, 17 June 2016

Makeup and beauty wish list // collab with Daisy Petals

Hey guys xo
How are you ? Today I have a collab with an amazing blogger "Daisy Petals". I love her blog so make sure to go and check it out. We're doing makeup and beauty wish lists so if you have any of these items tell what in the comments what you  think of them. Let's get to it.
A beauty wish list. We all have one. A List of things we want and either can afford or just never get around to buying it. Life is hard when your girl on a budget. So we all just may as well fall in love we things we can never get.

The first thing on my wishlist is Adidas Superstars. I'm getting a pair of these soon anyway as I've wanted them for a long time and there such pretty shoes. I think I'm going to get the white and black or the metallic. I can't wait to get them as I reallly need new shoes for summer. I'll definetly have to do a look book feauting these.

The next thing on my wish list is for sure the Naked palletes. I've wanted these for so long. There all just so perfect and amazing. Although there is many amazing dupes sometimes you just want the real deal. Even if it is €50 more. I think there all such versatile and create many amazing looks. I'm sure there all definitely worth the money.

One thing that's in at the moment is Bomber jackets. There perfect for Sumemer as if your like me and live in a country where the weather isn't great. Thanks Irish weather. It's great to have a light jacket to wear out. This will definitely be something I'll be purchasing for this summer. I've seen a couple I like so I'll have to try and tie it down to just one.

I'm in love with lipsticks but for a lover of my lippies I don't own any Mac. The one at the top of my list is definitely velvet teddy. I'm not too big a fan of bright lipsticks except for summer. I feel as this is a year round colour and would be perfect for any occasion. I'll for sure be buying this.

I'm a big fan of perfumes. I can't leave the house without it. I've had many amazing perfumes over my time and one of my favorites was Daisy Marc Jacobs. The perfume are all amazing and I really want to get another one as there all scents perfect for summer. I'm not really a fan of "flower scented" scents there all so nice.

I have Many more favourites but I'm going to leave it with this last one. I already have two of the maybelline palletes The Nudes palletes, but since I don't live in Amercia and they don't bring it all over here I can't get it. Hopefully I'll only have to wait a little while longer before they stock it in Ireland.

I hope you enjoyed reading it and I'm glad to be back blogging again. I've been so busy studying and taking time for myself.
Loved you collabing with daisy petals.
Her blog

Love you all xx

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Beauty hacks I live by.

Hey lovelies xo
Today I'm doing beauty hacks I live by. We have our little ways we do certain things that can be lifesaver. So here are my beauty hacks which I've picked il from many different people. It's also a collab with the amazing a drop of serendipity. So definitely go and check her blog out.

One big thing I Learnt is NEVER use a compact mirror to do your eyebrows. Made that mistake once I over plucked. It's because when you do you might think they look perfect when you do that but look at your face fully and you'll notice they don't look like you wanted. I mean some people find it easier and do use a small mirror for my little hairs, but for shaping use a big Mirror.

I think we all know this one but damp you beauty blender. It gives a much better finish and it doesn't absorb as much of the product.

When doing makeup but a focus point. Where you want the attention to go too. Have a bold lip go for  a more neatrul eye. If going heavy with contour keep it light with the rest. Same goes for the rest.

If your mascara is dried out add eye drops. This makes it usable again. Another hack for mascara is to put a spoon behind your lashes to prevent it getting on you lid.

To make any white eyeshadow pop use a white eye pencil underneath. It really makes the colour pop. Think about it like this if you had a page a similar to your skin and a white page, it would show up better on the white one.

I do love contour but hate doing it but it can be as easy as a number 3. I know I what explain this very well but if you about where you contour. Start from the top and then the middle line is you check
bone and the Last is your jaw. Works for highlight as well just do it the opposite way

So I hoped you liked this quick beauty hacks and I can't wait to do more.
Abbie's blog

Love you all lauren xo

Saturday, 9 April 2016


Hey guys xo 
So today I have a collab With a really amazing blogger Antonia. I love her blog so definitely go and check it out. I taking a bit of different topic and doing friendships. Making friends and losing them. For a lot of people they can struggle with both so hopefully my advice though I'm an not an expert, I've been through it all.

Making friends for some people can be hard. Being honest the best thing you can do it just wait for the right time. My group we just starting being friends. It wasn't forced, or awkward we just clicked from the start and now we're so close it's unreal. Thinking back to when we were just only 12 or 13 and starting secondary school now we're all 15 a couple almost 16. The thing I can say is BE YOURSELF. That's the most Important thing. Your friends are people who can be yourself around and they won't judge. When starting a new school or moving it can be hard making new friends but just find people with common interests and people who make you feel welcome. I've never struggled with Making friends but I've never had a lot either. I'm not saying I don't talk to people I always do but I'm just an awkward person a lot of the time.

Now on the topic of losing friends. We've all been through this. The one thing you need to remember is that it happens for a reason. I've lost a couple of friends and I feel like it's done me good. One friendship we still talk it's not like we're enemies or anything but we just drifted apart and friends do that all the time it's totally normal. One girl this is a different story, she and my other friend got in a fight and she was Saying it was my fault. She made me feel so bad about my self so many times that I just had end it. They're is a lot more than went on which I'm not going to share as even if I don't particularly like her may aswell be honest I'd never bad mouth her especially on the internet. But as the quote goes everything happens for a reason. Breaking of a friendship may mean the start of another.

And if I could one piece of advice to you guys is to never replace your friends with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Friendships most likely last longer than relationships and are the ones there when your break up.

I hope you liked this as its a bit of a different one.
Antonias blog //  Check it out xx

Love you all
Lauren xx

Thursday, 31 March 2016

My favourite bands and singers

Hey guys xo
So music. One of my favourite things ever. I probably listen it to a lot of day. It expresses people when words can't. Music has been a big part of my life. From singing around with my friends playing "X-Factor" when I was child  to playing guitar since I've been playing since I was 8. I'm not into music that a lot of people would be into today. Yeah I love singing and dancing around to remixes but I love old music that was maybe out anywhere from 10 years ago to 40. Here's my favourite singers albums and songs.

So my all time favourite band would definitely have to be the 1975. There amazing and if you haven't listened to them I would definitely go and check out there albums. Songs to listen to first are The Sound, Chocolate, And Robbers.

My favourite singer is without a doubt James Bay. He has such an amazing voice and I just love him. He has such a soulful voice. If your into singers like Ed Sheeran I would definitely go and check him out. Songs to listen are Scars and running

Shawn Mendes. Need I say more. He is so talented and his songs are so good. His voice is my favourite thing ever though.

That brings me onto my next favourite singer Ed Sheeran. Who doesn't like Ed Sheeran. He songs are amazing. I love the fact he plays he's own music. Just him and his guitar. I feel we need more singers like him. Today it's just auto tuned remixes. I'm not saying it's bad.i can agree DJing is hard and takes time to perfect, but sometimes all that is needed is a voice and guitar. Songs to listen to are Niña, thinking out loud and give me love. Give me love has been one of my favourite songs since I was around 13. I listened to it on repeat for about a month.

Kodaline and Hozier. Living in such a small country it's hard to make it big but having some big artist
living basically on your doorstep is amazing. I'm sure  you've all heard the song take me to church. It
 was one of the top songs for ages. And Kodaline two on the members grew up in town very near me. Back on track to their music, both artists are amazing, if your into the artists I've mentioned I say you'll love these two.

I'm a big fan of some of imagine dragons including radioactive, demons, it's time and on top of the world. Also I love the songs let it be, hey Jude and here comes the sun by the Beatles. Omg their just so amazing and the songs I just love them. The songs you found me, how to save a life, and never say never the fray have been some of my favourites for years now. Such amazing songs.

Also I love Coldplay. There such a talented band and there songs are amazing.

I also love The calling wherever you go, Kings of Leon's use somebody, The goo goo dolls Iris and Carolina Liar show me what I'm looking for.

Not going to lie every once in a while I have a Little jam to high school musical, hairspray, grease songs and every pop song out there but who doesn't.

Hope you enjoyed this and it inspired you to find new music.
Love yous xo

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Day time makeup look // Collab with Lexi

Hey guys xo
Today I'm doing a Collab with one of blogging besties Lexi. Make sure you go and check out her blog as it's amazing. We're both doing a makeup look using the La pallete Nude in rosé by loreal. I'm doing a day time look and Lexis doing a night time look. It's such a versatile pallete which you can create many different looks with  and I love it. That's why I'm doing a day time and Lexis doing a night time.

For my face I did my everyday makeup which I have a post on coming up on soon?

I forgot to take pictures of the look but I'll show you the colours I used.

I used the the white as base colour. As you can see I've gotten a lot of use out of it. It's so pigmented I sometimes when use it as a high lighter. 

I them took the shimmery pink and put it all over my lid. I then took the fourth colour In the pallete which is the third one in this picture. I put that in my crease and blended it up

I then put a bit of purple in my outer corner. I blended it out a bit to make a bit less harsh as it is a day time look.

I finished the look off with some mascara. I used a little Chanel tester my mum got. 

 And her we have the finished look. It's so quick and easy. This look is  lovely for spring. It's pink with a bit of purple.

Make sure you go and check out lexi's post 
I hope you enjoyed it. I really enjoyed collabing with lexi. Her blog is amazing so make sure you go and check it out. 

Love you all xo

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

A spring evening makeup up

Hey guys xo
So the other night I was going to a friends house and it was a lovely spring evening so I decided to a little post of my makeup and what I used.

The products I used are 
For my face
Benefit porefessional
No7 instant radiance foundation in calico
Rimmel wake me up foundation in Ivory
Natural collection powder
I used the white shimmery eye shadow from the loreal La Pallete nude in rosé
Clinique blush.

For my eyes
Maybelline 24 hour colour tattoo in on and on bronze
Maybelline the nudes. I used a brown gold and black from this.
Benefit roller lash

On my lips 
Maybelline colour sensational in shade Hollywood Red
Soap and glorly MotherPucker

So heres the finished look. It's so quick and simple. It's so nice for a sunny spring evening with friends or a nice dinner. 

I hope you liked it. Leave a comment telling me your favourite products.
Love you all
Lauren xo

Sunday, 28 February 2016

It's okay not to feel okay

Hey guys xo
So this week In my school we had a well being week. The main thing they told us that is it's okay not to feel okay and it's okay to ask for help. I know a lot of people are effected by a mental illness. 1 in 4 people will be effected at one point in their lifetime. Everybody goes through a stage in their lifetime where they feel their not okay and that's totally okay. We all have a day where we just want to sit around in our pyjamas doing noting. We all need a day like that once in a while or we would breakdown. People carry on when they need to stop and just take a break. Your mental health is the most important thing. If you feel that school or work has gotten to much, take a day off.

My teacher told us about the 7/11 breathing technique. You breath in for seven seconds and out for eleven. It helps dealing with panic attacks and anxiety.

As the title says its okay not to feel okay. We all have has sometime in our life were we felt nothing was going right and everything was falling apart. But everything happens for reason. Remember that . Maybe you has a though breakup, but maybe that will lead to the one, or maybe your fails exams that will push you to go even better. Whatever it is it will lead to something even better.

Just some quotes to keep you going.
Everybody wants happiness no one wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.
Don't worry little fighter soon things will get brighter.
Everything happens for a reason
Whatever you decide to do make sure it makes you happy.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I know I'm not a expert but it is something I feel strongly about.
Lobe you lots xo

Sunday, 21 February 2016

What blogging has taught me

Hey guys xo
So today's post is a little different. It's about what I've learnt since I starting blogging. And I've learnt a lot.

I have changed a lot since I've started blogging. Giving my opinion to others online has given me the confidence to do in person. I use to be such a shy person. I've become far more confident in real life because of blogging. I was very hesitant about starting a blog but I thought why not go for it.

The biggest thing I've learnt is that people don't care about what you look like or how many followers you have. They care about what you have too say. I mean I've had girls message me saying that I'm a inspiration to them and one girl back when I started compared me to zoella. I learnt you can't make everyone happy. But if you just one person happy that's all that matters.

Numbers aren't that big of a deal if you enjoy doing what your doing. I mean why should it matter. I would rather have good content and a small following than very few uploads a a a huge following.

I've learnt that the friends you can make our some of the best friends you can have. I never really had a proper friendship with some of my friends online before ,but the friends I made through blogging are some of the best people I know. Just because we're divided by sea or in some cases across the country doesn't mean they don't mean as much as your friends offline.

That sometimes the ideas that come to us at random times turn out to be better than the ones we spend hours planning out making perfect. I do plan my blogposts but I prefer to let it flow and come naturally.

I'm a big perfectionist and I wouldn't really mind if they're was a spelling and grammar mistake. But if it wasn't laid out how I wanted that would annoy me. But what I realised was that I would never look at a blog and judge the layout so why would someone do the same to me.

Just because I'm a teen blogger doesn't mean I won't get taken as seriously as a older blogger. I thought that people wouldn't respect my opinion. But just because I'm only fifteen doesn't mean that people wouldn't read it.

I have learnt so much more and I know it's a bit of a ramble but honesty its the type of post in my opinion that you can get to your point.

Love you all xo

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

The 40 questions tag

Hey guys xo 
Today I have a tag for you which is all about beauty. Let's get to it 


How mine times do you wash your face daily?
I wash it twice at morning and night.

What skin type do you have? 
I have combination I mean sometimes it looks oily but it feels really dry.

What is your current face wash?

What brand do you use?
I use Garnier as it's gentle on my skin.

Do you exfoliate?
Yes and I use Garnier 3 in 1 one.

What moisturiser do you use?
I use a Garnier matifying ones and it's so good as I don't wear makeup on school days so instead of having to wear powder this does the job.

Do you have freckles?
Yes I love having freckles they give a lot more colour to my face.

Do you use eye cream?
No but I might start as it will be way better for later on in Life.

Did you or do you have acne prone skin?
Yes I've had acne since I was around eleven and I'm fifteen and it's still here. I do go through fasces of reasonably good skin. At the moment it's bad due to stress.

Did you ever have to use pro-activ?
I'm using a garnier pro-activ face wash at the moment.It's not doing much though.


What foundation do you use?
I use Rimmel match perfection in shade 010

How about concealer?
Rimmel wake me up. It's not the best for me though. I might have to try a new one.

Do you know your undertone colour?
No but I know it's a cool undertone.

What do you think of fake lashes?
I never really have a place to wear them but if you like wearing them then go for it.

Did you know your suppose to change to mascara every three month?
Yes but I don't do it anyway. I really should though?

What brand of mascara do you use?
I use benefit or Maybelline.

Sephora or Mac?
We don't have sephora in Ireland. So Mac

Do you have a Mac Pro card?
No but I would like one.

What makeup tools do you use in makeup application?
I use real techniques the core collection, the eye set and there beauty blender

Do you use makeup base/primer for the eyes?
Yes because I have hooded eyes and it just falls off or mixes together if I don't.

For the face?
Sometimes I do sometimes I don't depends on the occasion.

What is your favourite eyeshadow?
I have to many but probably  the Maybelline blushed nudes.

Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
Neither I have very small eyes and it just takes up too much space or goes away. But if I do I use liquid.

How often do you poke your eye with an eyeliner pencil?
A lot.

What do you think of pigment eye shadows?
I've never used it before? Looks to messy for me.

Do you use mineral makeup?
No I don't my I really want to try it.

What is your favourite lipstick?
Maybelline 152 feel pink.

What about lipgloss?
I hate wearing lipgloss. It's too sticky and my hair always blows in it.

What is your favourite blush to use?
I don't know. I don't wear it that often.

Do you buy your makeup on eBay?
No. I don't think I'd trust it enough.

Do you like drugstore makeup?
Yes, most of makeup is from there.

Do you go to CCO'?

Did you ever consider taking makeup classes?
Yes I want to as I think it would help massively.

Are you clumsy at putting on makeup?
Yes I always accident my touch the mascara wand on my face. I also spill makeup and get it everywhere.

Name a makeup crime you hate?
I think filled in eyebrows are so nice but when girls go overboard. Omg I hate that. They  almost look black.

Do you like colourful shade of Makeup or neutral?
Neutral. I think with my hair eye and skin colour it looks way better.

Which celeb always has great makeup?
Cara delevigne. Or Sarah hyland. I love both of them.

If could leave the house using just one makeup item, what would you use?
Mascara as I look weird when I've done foundation and not my eyes.

Could you ever leave the house without makeup?
Yes I never wear makeup to school as the effort.

Do you think you look good without makeup?
No I look around twelve and my skin looks grey. I do go out without it as I don't care what people think.

In you opinion what is the best makeup line?
I could never pick a best as different brands are better for different things.

What do you think of makeup?
That it's not something we should hide behind. Makeup should be worn so other people think you look good it should be worn so you think you look good. If you want to wear do. No ones stopping you, but don't feel you have to. No one will judge you if your not wearing it.

Hope you guys enjoyed this. I know it's only a tag but don't worry there's lots more coming.
Love you Lots
Lauren xo

Saturday, 13 February 2016

What to do on valetines day // collab

Hey guys xo, today I'm doing I massive collab as part of new project. me and seven other amazing bloggers are going to be doing frequent Collabs. There blogs will be linked below so I recommend you go and check them out as there amazing. We're all doing valetines day theme posts a so I'm doing things to do.

Valentine's Day. A day where most people sit around watching rom-coms on Netflix, eating discount chocolate and wishing they had a boyfriend. Well I know do. Anyway this year why don't you go out and make the most of it. Here's some ideas.

If you are in a relationship then in my opinion it doesn't matter what you do as long as your with them. I know if I was with some one I would do anything as long as I was with them. You could do shopping or to the cinema. You could bake or go to restraunt if you want to do something fancy. You could even have a Photo shoot. How cute would that be. It would be good memories to look back on.

Ideas for you and your friends.
Go shopping and I love doing this. Go into any shop and all pick out random dresses and then go it I the changing rooms and try them all on. No matter how bad you look it will still be funny.

Go out for a lunch. Maybe somewhere like nandos or milanos. I know in my town where I live has so much little restraunts.

Ireland has no theme parks but if your lucky enough to live near one you and your friends should definitely do something like that. I mean your only young once, might as well make the most of it.

Have a day baking or doing crafts. Even better make Valentine's Day themed things.

Or just have a day chill day with your friends watching Netflix and eating chocolate. You can get face masks, do eachothers makeup and hair and have a paper day. Even  better do eachothers hair in little french or Dutch braids I think there so cute especially if your wearing a cute onsie. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. I really enjoyed writing it. Mak sure go and checked out the  girls blogs as there amazing. There all Linked below and I can't wait to do future collabs with them

Hope you all have an amazing Valentine's Day. If you don't have a Valentinejust spend it with people who make you happy.

Love you all 
Lauren xo

This girls blogs :
Kate // a singles guide to Valentine's Day
Niamh // lookbook for Valentine's Day
Marry //get ready with me
Hannah // valentines day makeup look
Emily  //Valentine's Day makeup look
Jade //Valentine's day makeup look
Charlotte // unfortunately cannot take part in this one xx

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Maybelline the blushed nudes review

Hey guys xo
I'm so sorry I haven't written a blog post on ages. I've been so busy studying and school and with all my other activities I just haven't had the time. But today I'm doing a review on probably the nicest pallete ever. So let's begin.

First can I just say the colours are what made me buy. I have the original the nudes pallete and I really don't like it that much. The colours don't look that nice on and then aren't that pigmented. Sure it's great for everyday wear. Back to what I was talking about the colours are so pretty. Omg they blend so well and look so nice on. They go with every eye colour.

From a day out to a night out there's Tonnes of different looks to suit the event.

Can we just look at how gorgeous these colours are.

I say these is definitely one of my favorite palletes. It's so photogenic. I'm definetly going to have some fun trying out new looks with this.

Hope you enjoyed this quick little blog post. I'm going to get at least one up a week from now on.
Love you all xo