Hey guys, today I dedcided to do my first Lauren talks on why I dedcided to start a blog. I haven't told anyone I'm starting a blog because I want people to want to read it not just because they know me . I guess I'll tell people if anyone from my school starts to read it. I decided to start a blog because I love fashion and makeup and beauty. I've always wanted to start a YouTube but I've never had enough confidence to do it and atleast if it doesn't work out, I won't be as annoyed because I didn't tell anyone and it won't be as embarrassing because no one will know . I know I may not be the best blogger or be the best writer but atleast I'm doing something I love and want to do when I'm older. I want this to do well because I'll feel annoyed with myself if it doesn't. Well getting back to point of why I wanted to start a blog. I've always enjoyed art since I was little and when I was asked what I wanted to be when I was older I always said an artist. I was so into art and that's all I wanted to do. People always asked me but if you could be something else so I said an art teacher. I slowly got away from that idea when I got a top model book when I was nine for Christmas and have loved fashion and design ever since. I've always wondered what it be like to be well known for something you loved and always wanted to be like Zoella but soon I realised that none of us will be like her we all are own person and it's better to stand out and be who you are. So guess that's another reason why I wanted to start a blog to show off who I am and do what I love. I hope one day you all do what you love and be the best you can at it
Love you all my lovelies xx
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